How we work

We have a small core team driving the work of SCF. Given the scale of our mission and our desire to make a big impact, we need to be smart about the way we work.

We draw on the advice, help and expertise of others, and this includes young people with autism.

  • How you can help We are often looking for young people with autism, school or college staff or others to check out our ideas. We’ll let you know on our website how you can get involved so keep an eye out for opportunities as they arise.

We streamline our information, processes and systems so they are as straightforward as possible.

  • How you can help When you send information or questions to us, try and keep them to the point and help us to understand what you want to tell us.

We only fund projects where there is a clear rationale, which show they are innovative and creative, which fulfil a need, and where impact can be clearly measured.

  • How you can help In your application for funding, please answer all our questions as clearly as possible.

What We Do