Why our grants are needed

Around 1 in 100 school-age children and young people have autistic spectrum condition (ASC). In England, more than 70% of these are educated in mainstream schools.

With the right support at the right time autistic young people can do well, make friends, achieve and enjoy school. However for many, school can be a challenging place. Secondary mainstream schools and colleges can be particularly challenging.

Without the right support, young people with autism can struggle with both the academic and the social curriculum at school.

  • Children and young people with autism are 3 times more likely to be excluded from school than their peers.
  • 63% of children and young people with autism have been bullied – particularly those in mainstream school.
  • 71% of children with autism have mental health problems that persist into adolescence.
  • Young people with autism are two times less likely to gain good GCSEs.
  • Emotionally based school avoidance is significantly higher in children and young people with autism.

This doesn’t have to be the case.

There are many effective interventions, approaches and initiatives. Through its funding, SCF supports schools, colleges and other mainstream-based provision to put activity in place, over and above that which is statutorily required, to enhance the life chances of autistic young people.

Who Can Apply