
SCF has a strong commitment to measuring impact.

We ask recipients of SCF funding to measure and report on the impact our funded activity makes in two ways:

  • Completing an impact statement at the end of funded activity
  • Carrying out SCF impact measures with a sample of autistic students before and after funded activity

We don’t want schools and colleges to spend lots of time reporting but we do want to know about the difference SCF funding has made. The SCF impact statement is a short online form which asks for two key pieces of information:

  • What difference has SCF funding made to autistic young people? (the impact statement)
  • How many autistic young people have been affected by using SCF funding

We need this to enable us to understand how our charitable funds are being spent, and we provide some guidance to help this impact reporting.

A selection of schools and colleges will also be asked to carry out the SCF impact measures with a sample of autistic students at the beginning of funded activity, and then again after six months. You can find more information about this here.

SCF trustees will be interested in talking with some schools to see the impact of awards, and yours may be selected. We’ll give you plenty of notice and an idea of what to expect. The conversation will be low-key and will have a focus on SCF engaging with your work.

"The groups really helped him to ask appropriate questions – he joins in lessons so much more now."

Teacher, Secondary Academy