SCF Impact Measures

Measuring the impact of SCF-funded activity

SCF impact measures are simple scales which rate student engagement and well-being, reflecting SCF aims. We ask a selection of schools and colleges to carry them out with a sample of autistic students before starting SCF-funded activity, and then again afterwards.

All SCF impact measures have been trialled in schools and colleges so we know they are easy to understand, quick to carry out and that they yield useful information.

Measure 1

How am I working in school? (student-rated engagement measure)

A 6 or 12 point scale asking autistic students to rate how much they engage with school.

Measure 2

How do I feel at school?

Students choose aspects of school they want to change and then rate them according to how comfortable or anxious they feel using a 5 or 10 point scale.

Measure 3

Student engagement measure (adult view)

A 12 point scale to rate how much autistic students engage with school. This mirrors the student engagement measure.

Please note - you can only access SCF impact measures if you have been awarded SCF funding. Learn more about current opportunities for funding.

How do schools carry out the impact measures?

  • Schools complete measures 1 and 2 and can choose to complete measure 3. There is guidance accompanying each measure
  • Schools and colleges send us their data from the measures
  • SCF analyses the data using simple descriptive analysis
  • We send back charts and tables representing the analysed data

What does the analysis show?

For SCF: the analysis helps us to know the difference our funding makes, and how we may need to adjust our funding programmes.

For school and college staff: the analysis provides helpful information about how autistic students are finding school and which aspects or lessons they find most difficult/easiest. It is also a good way to show the impact of the SCF-funded activity.

For autistic students: sharing the analysis with students can highlight which aspects of school they manage well, and which not so well. Actually doing the measures with students can also prompt useful discussion.

For schools and colleges: the charts can be used in reports to leadership, governors or to Ofsted as evidence of impact. They can also provide useful evidence to make a case for further investment in supportive activity.

Read more about the SCF impact measures here.

Frequently asked questions